Janice Chan (3MO Lucas)

I reached out to Charlotte and her team in desperation and exhaustion when my son, Lucas, was 3 months old as it took a long time to put him to sleep, often with a lot of crying and wailing involved. He had to wake up 2-3 times during the night for milk. His naps during the day were also very short, which resulted in overtiredness. Charlotte provided guidance on how to adjust Lucas’ daily nap schedule and shared tips on how to put him to sleep. After working with Charlotte and her team intensively for a month, Lucas (who is now almost 5 months old) has longer naps during the day and could now sleep through the night most of the time (5 out of 7 days a week!). We can now also recognise his sleep signals, so it normally takes less than 15 minutes to put him to sleep, making lives much easier for our helper and everyone in our family! Baby Sleep Well is a lifesaver and I would highly recommend their service to all new parents who wish for their babies to sleep well while enjoying some quality “Me” time.