
-       全日作息穩定,定時有睡意
-       加快入睡時間
-       減少半夜扎醒機會
-       減少對大人/物件的安撫依賴 (如抱睡/奶睡/搖搖椅/奶嘴等)
-       增長全日睡眠時數
-       拉長日間小睡時數
-       協助返回嬰兒床上睡眠
-       協助戒夜奶或減少半夜奶量,增加日間食量

爸爸媽媽,你想寶寶身體健康 聰明伶俐嗎?



With the professional advice and practical tips from Charlotte and her team, I was able to help my 8-month-old son learn to fall asleep on his own. We were considering the dreadful cry-it-out method and tried it for two nights, both resulting in baby Sebastian vomitting. It was a nightmare! Charlotte helped us adjust his daily schedule and feeding routine so when it's time to sleep, he is tired enough to fall asleep quickly with little calming but not overtired. Step by step, we helped baby Sebastian sleep better and longer through his daytime naps and nighttime sleep. Highly recommend the service of Baby Sleep Well to parents seeking support to help their little ones sleep better!

Wei-Ying LIN

Highly recommend the Baby sleep well sleep training consultation! My daughter was sleep trained at 8 months. I was really worried in the beginning whether i could stand the baby crying... but never underestimate the baby's ability to learn and adapt! My daughter was able to sleep on her own in just few days time! 😀Thank you so much to Charlotte and her team!

Sheila TSE

小朋友6個月sleep regression後晚晚醒3-4次,又好易扎醒,爸爸同我都冇晚瞓得好,頂唔住搵咗Charlotte幫手。 最初改完時間表同睡前規律都唔掂🥺好絕望諗住放棄。好多謝Charlotte嘅堅持同鼓勵,過左原本個跟進期都幫我哋手,最後都搞得掂 好多謝Charlotte教到bb自己入睡🙏🏼爸爸同我終於有覺好瞓😁


小朋友係2歲既時候 我地搬左新屋 小朋友有自己既睡房同床 當事我地第一日搬入去住 就俾bb自己試下自己訓 大人係側邊陪伴 但結果小朋友每晚起4-5次身 同每晚都好夜訓 呢個狀態維持左2個月 直至遇上baby sleep well先發現原來有好多原因令小朋友訓唔好 原來over tired 會出現抗奮 好多資訊都係從baby sleep well學到 當同Charlotte 傾完電話 嘗試用佢教既方法 小朋友起身次數減少 之後仲可以訓天光 (係大人床) 然後 上2個月 baby sleep well 有繼續跟進小朋友睡眠問題 (真係好好) 我回覆佢地小朋友已經可以一覺訓天光 但係係大人床 好想佢可以自己訓兒童床 Charlotte 就教我不停講睡前小書 結果係上個月 小朋友願意自己訓兒童床 仲一覺訓天光 好多謝Charlotte同佢地團隊❤️

Emily PANG

sunday kiss 嬰幼兒睡眠顧問
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蘋果日報 動新聞 嬰幼兒睡眠顧問
香港電台電視 嬰幼兒睡眠顧問
AM730 嬰幼兒睡眠顧問